неділя, 16 вересня 2007 р.

Northanger Abbey (BBC 2007) (частина 3)

Отже наступні три частини фільму викладаю тут, всього я відшукала 16 частин цього фільму !

Частина 7

Частина 8

Частина 9

Далі буде....

1 коментар:

Paula сказав...

Just writing to say I'm not making comments on your posts bc it takes some time for me to translate every paragraph and read it but I promise I will. In a few days I'm planning to go to my Uni where I can use Internet for free, I have a lot of things to do on Internet and I was spending a lot of money on cyber-cafes, so I will go there so that I won't need to hurry up and will be able to read some of your posts more comfortable :)